Flight 93 National Memorial Visitors Guide written by Jerry Spangler

  • $ 9.95

"A place to remember, revere and reflect Flight 93 National Memorial Visitors Guide"

A 52 page magazine dedicated to Flight 93 National Memorial.

On September 11th, 2001, a plane fell out of the sky in our back-yard and our lives changed forever.  Grieving family members and friends of the passengers came to our community and we did what was expected of us - we acted with compassion-- helping people in need.  And from that horrific event, bonds of friendship and understanding developed.  One of the common agreements we made was to make something good come out of this tragedy.  The Flight 93 Memorial is one of those good things.

Jerry Spangler was District Attorney of Somerset County Pennsylvania on September 11. 2001.  He grew up on a farm in surrounding Stonycreek Township.  He was involved with the planning of the memorial from its earliest stages.  He served on the Flight 93 National Memorial Federal Advisory Commission from 2003 - 2013, as a member of the Flight 93 National Memorial Task Force from 2003 - 2010 and its co-chair from 2008 - 2010.  He was an original incorporator and first president of the board of directors of Friends of the Flight 93 National Memorial.